Webinarium: Envisioning the EU as a true global leader for gender equality – time for a feminist foreign and development policy? - IKFF
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Webinarium: Envisioning the EU as a true global leader for gender equality – time for a feminist foreign and development policy?

13 april, 2023 kl15:00-16:30

Growing hunger and poverty, the climate and nature crises and the rewinding of democratic progress are all factors severely hindering progress on gender equality. At this point in history the need for bold leadership is crucial.

Swedish Members of the European Parliament Alice Bah Kuhnke (Greens/EFA), Malin Björk (Left/NGL) and Evin Incir (S&D) are joining hands with CONCORD Sweden to host this important discussion among EU policy makers on ways in which the EU member states and institutions can assume strong global leadership for gender equality.

Building on its 8-year track record of engaging with Sweden’s pioneering feminist foreign policy, CONCORD Sweden will also share significant insights from its new publication, The Game Changer – How a feminist foreign policy can transform societies.

The seminar will circle around what EU policymakers can do to level up their ambitions for true and lasting impact for gender equality and how a feminist foreign and development policy can be a powerful tool for this mission. The conclusions and recommendations drawn from these conversations will hold relevance for the European Union’s initiatives concerning gender equality in its external relations, including the implementation of the Gender Action Plan III.

Participants: Member of the European Parliament Alice Bah Kuhnke (Greens/EFA); Member of European Parliament Malin Björk (Left/NGL); Member of the European Parliament Evin Incir (S&D); Chiara Adamo, Acting Director at Directorate G. “Human Development, Migration, Governance and Peace” at DG INTPA, EU Commission; Damjan Denkovski, Deputy Director at Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy; representative from EU member state (TBD).

The event will be moderated by Joanna Maycock; feminist activist and expert on EU gender equality and women’s rights.

Date: 13th of April
Venue: European Parliament, room: TREVES 9V40 (BRU)
Time: 15:00 – 16:30

Both physical and digital attendance require registration. Register here.

For those wishing to view the seminar online, there will be a link sent out a few days before the event.

This event is implemented with the financial support of the European Union and Sida. Its contents are the sole responsibility of CONCORD Sweden and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or Sida.


13 april, 2023