Feminister förebygger krig – se seminariet här - IKFF
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Feminister förebygger krig – se seminariet här

Around the world, women build peace through mobilization in civil society. WILPF Cameroon is using the Women’s Situation Room (WSR), a method of preventing violence and armed conflict in relation to elections, to build structures through local coordinators, clear channels for communications between national and local levels, through educating election observers, but also by identifying possible women candidates and give them trainings in Women, Peace and Security, communication, social media, political structure and fundraising.

WSR is partly a long-term process for increasing women’s participation as voters, political candidates, informers or observers, and a physical space where violence and unrest can be reported during the electoral process. WILPF has also established a women’s mediation network as part of WSR. The WSR model has been recognized as ”best practice” in conflict prevention work by the UN and other international actors.

This fall elections were held in Cameroon, how did it go and how can the WSR-method be used, strengthened and spread? What can we learn from this in a Swedish context?

Detta samtal spelades in den 17 november 2018 på MR-dagarna i Stockholm.

Medverkande: Sylvie Ndongmo, ordförande IKFF (WILPF) Kamerun, Malin Nilsson, generalsekreterare IKFF Sverige. Moderator: Lina Hjärtström, IKFF Sverige.


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