Om du missade Mänskliga Rättighetsdagarna i Örebro i november kan du se våra samtal i efterhand.
Who Said That Being a Feminist Peace Activist Would Ever Be Easy?
After repeated military failure when it comes to building peace, why do we continue to see military responses to crisis as the answer? Is it possible to see other solutions in a highly militarized world? How can one avoid being militarized, and continue the work to build true feminist peace and human security Participants: Cynthia Enloe, Elham Kohistani (women right’s activist and gender expert from Afghanistan), and Malin Nilsson (Secretary General IKFF/WILPF Sweden).
Klimatkrisen hotar vår säkerhet – världen svarar med att rusta
Vad händer när olika säkerhetsintressen krockar? Kan det stå i vägen för den omställning vi behöver för att stoppa klimatförändringarna? Deltagare: Lina Hjärtström och Marie Sjöberg, IKFF.
What happens to civil society in a militarised society?
Militarisation affects civil society in several ways around the world. How can we understand the connection between militarisation and civic space in the context of Afghanistan? Participants: Elham Kohistani, women right’s activist and gender expert from Afghanistan.