Ryska feminister har gått samman och skrivit ett upprop mot kriget och militarismen. Läs hela här och se hur du kan stötta. FemPers Nyheter har även översatt det till svenska.
As Russian citizens and feminists, we condemn this war. Feminism as a political force cannot be on the side of a war of aggression and military occupation. The feminist movement in Russia struggles for vulnerable groups and the development of a just society with equal opportunities and prospects, in which there can be no place for violence and military conflicts.
We call on feminists around the world:
- Join peaceful demonstrations and launch offline and online campaigns against the war in Ukraine and Putin’s dictatorship, organizing your own actions. Feel free to use the symbol of the Feminist Anti-War Resistance movement in your materials and publications, as well as hashtags #FeministAntiWarResistance and #FeministsAgainstWar.
- Distribute the information about the war in Ukraine and Putin’s aggression. We need the whole world to support Ukraine at this moment and to refuse to help Putin’s regime in any way.
- Share this manifesto with others. It’s necessary to show that feminists are against this war — and any type of war. It’s also essential to demonstrate that there are still Russian activists who are ready to unite in opposition to Putin’s regime. We are all in danger of persecution by the state now and need your support.