What is militarism? How is it related to human rights? Professor Cynthia Enloe, American professor of Political Science at Clark University, has conducted research about militarism from a feminist perspective for about 50 years. Lecture with Cynthia Enloe followed by a panel discussion with peace activists Hana Al-Khamri, Founder of the Yemen Salon NGOs in Sweden, a venue on Yemen’s political and cultural issues, and Malin Nilsson, Internationella Kvinnoförbundet för Fred och Frihet (IKFF). Inspelat på MR-dagarna år 2016.
Feminists preventing war
Around the world, women build peace through mobilization in civil society. WILPF Cameroon is using the Women’s Situation Room (WSR), a method of preventing violence and armed conflict in relation to elections, to build structures through local coordinators, clear channels for communications between national and local levels, through educating election observers, but also by identifying possible women candidates and give them trainings in Women, Peace and Security, communication, social media, political structure and fundraising. What can we learn from this in a Swedish context? Samtalet är från MR-dagarna år 2018. Medverkande: Sylvie Ndongmo, ordförande IKFF (WILPF) Kamerun, Malin Nilsson, generalsekreterare IKFF Sverige. Moderator: Lina Hjärtström, IKFF Sverige.
Internally displaced – working for feminist peace amidst conflict
Conflict and civil war often affect people within the country differently (with regard to geographical area, if you are a part of a minority, power and money, gender, etc.) and often lead to internally displaced persons. The civil war in Colombia has led to the forced relocation of people in conflict-affected areas, and despite a signed peace agreement, land rights issues remain a challenge. In Cameroon, the security situation has deteriorated sharply in recent years, with Boko Haram’s presence in the north and the serious separatist crisis in the country’s English-speaking regions. The conflicts have led to forced relocation. Diana Salcedo, WILPF Colombia, and Guy Feugap, WILPF Cameroon, discuss internally displaced persons/forced relocations with a focus on human security, shrinking democratic space, rights, identity and the path to sustainable peace. The discussion is based on their feminist peace work, with current analyzes and examples in the light of Covid-19 from Colombia and Cameroon respectively.
Hur krymper utrymmet för civilsamhället i världen?
Det demokratiska utrymmet för civilsamhället krymper över hela världen. Lagar begränsar icke-statliga organisationer och aktivister hotas eller till och med mördas. Kvinnor som organiserar sig utsätts på specifika sätt. Pandemin har gett regeringar ett fripass att begränsa medborgarutrymmet ytterligare. Utan motstånd på lokal, nationell och internationell nivå finns det en risk för ett ”nytt normalt”. Väpnad konflikt, nationalistiska rörelser och ojämlikhet är andra faktorer. Vilka är konsekvenserna och hur kan vi öka utrymmet? Deltagare: Malin Nilsson, generalsekreterare IKFF Måns Molander, Nordenchef Human Rights Watch. Inspelat på MR-dagarna år 2021.
Från suffragetterna till #metoo
Anne Atambo, ordförande IKFF Kenya, i samtal med Helen Pankhurst, Ida Östensson. Modererat av Alexandra Pascalidou.