Uttalande: The COVID-19 pandemic and related crises call for higher levels of ODA - IKFF
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Uttalande: The COVID-19 pandemic and related crises call for higher levels of ODA

76 civil society organisations across the world are calling on DAC members to fulfill and exceed the 0.7% target for ODA and the 0.15% to 0.2% target for Least Developed Countries (LDCs), prioritising unconditional grants and technical support. We urge the DAC to work with the experience of partner countries, DAC members and other stakeholders to ramp up the role of aid in support of health, education, social protection, peacebuilding, and conflict prevention in the midst of this unfinished crisis.

76 plattformar och organisationer från hela världen i gemensamt uttalande om vikten av internationellt utvecklingssamarbete i pandemins spår. Flera organisationer inom CONCORD Sverige deltar, inklusive IKFF. Läs uttalandet här.

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